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the bees kept getting me on the edge even though my mouse cursor was no longer there?

If you go out of the game window, the game counts you as where you were right before you exited the window. 

slight issiue where if you drag your mouse across the top of the screen it will not count as mouse movement and kill you.
Really bad when trying to circle the bees. Fix or if can't say "the edges will freeze you" maybe add something like a border that kills you so you don't have to deal with the issue.

Oh yeah, we win those


Yes we do. Your time is the fastest I've seen so far! Thanks for playing!

Good job!

Good job to you too! Thanks for playing!

First Attempt
Cute little game, nice job


Congratulations! Thanks for playing!

I liked the way the bees navigated btw

Is it intentional the framerate gets worse as I go, down to 2fps after 33 bees?  I'd believe it if you said yes -- this isn't bee heaven.

It absolutely is not intended but I am aware of the problem. Each bee has a ton of collision checks and, when there are a TON of bees, it takes a toll on the frame rate.